Hello Blogging

Hi There

At 2018-04-09 21:06:49 an attempt was made to record things I come across on this journey by yours truly. This may very well end up being a digital version of me in the 2070s so I will try not to curate the blog too much, to create the realest (iso) image of me possible.

If anything interests you, at any time. Please reach out to me on whichever platform I am on at this time. I love to chat about ‘things’. Moreso if I’ve blogged about them.

The site’s design might be constantly changing as well. I like to experiment with UI/UX.

You’ll find find among my interests: technology, bit of economics, media and books.
Specifically I will give an honorabl mention to Linux, (Auto)biographies, Embedded Systems, Systems in general(minus industrial), Machine Learning and the entire supporting technologies of IoT(security, cloud computing, communication protocols, etc)